Communicating the project Re.Cri.Re to the different stakeholders in Malta

A working seminar was organized in Malta on 25 April, with the objective of communicating to the academic world, policy makers, citizens and all stakeholders across Europe the outcomes and expected results of the project RE.CRI.RE.

On Monday 25 April, the University of Malta organised a working seminar at the Ministry of Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties in Malta. A wide range of stakeholders were invited to the seminar, with the aim of introducing Re.Cri.Re to participating members. The seminar started with a brief introduction by Dr Sammut, outlining the aims, followed by presentations from Dr Silvan Agius and Dr Myrna Azzopardi from the Ministry, who outlined their work regarding a national strategy for integration in Malta, which fits the aims of Re.Cri.Re. Following these presentations, Dr Sammut provided a detailed overview of the aims and details of Re.Cri.Re, with particular focus on the research questions being addressed in this project and the aims to articulate a three-tier policy-making framework that can target European, national & regional policies. These aims correspond with those adopted by the Ministry as well as various other stakeholders dealing with a number of challenges facing Maltese society at present, such as NGOs working with migrants. The presentations were followed by detailed discussion of the present social & political challenges facing European societies, with particular emphasis on Maltese society.

Participants agreed to meet anew to discuss the findings of the empirical studies once these are completed and to devise relevant policy recommendations that could cater to the diversity of the stakeholders represented in the working seminar.